You believe that having a good voice is your ticket to success,
You’ve never had any coaching or training,
You don’t know what equipment to buy,
You have no professional demos,
You have no idea how to price your services,
You think that low rates will attract quality clients,
You don’t know how to run a freelance business,
You have no clue how to market and sell your services,
You can’t handle constant rejection,
You have a hard time working on your own,
You adopt a wait and see approach,
You expect to make full-time income while working part-time,
You’re happy to reinvent the wheel,
You try to fake it until you make it,
You think you get paid to learn on the job,
You’re convinced that a good microphone will make up for a bad recording space,
You believe that an online casting service will launch your career,
You think an agent will give you all the work you can handle,
You’re certain that sites like Fiverr are a way to break into the business,
You take on more than you can handle,
You have no support system,
You know nothing about vocal health,
You like to complain but not contribute,
You constantly have to ask your colleagues for advice,
You believe you know it all…
You are not ready to call yourself
a voice-over professional.
Paul Strikwerda ©nethervoice
PS Please subscribe & retweet!
If you nominate yourself for a VO Award…
Good one, Mike!
I’m confused. Is it somehow considered inappropriate to submit one’s work to an award committee for consideration to be nominated (or not) for an industry award?
Hi Ed, those who have read my articles on the Voice Arts Awards, know where I stand on this competition, and why.
Actually, Paul, even my horses are smarter than that!
It’s called “horse sense.”
And yes… some people have very little of that too.
And so it goes…