As a blogger, I often write about various aspects that play an important role in the way we lead our life, and the way we run our business. Think of things like our health, our state of mind, and the stuff we use to make a living.
Today’s topic is something I approach with trepidation. For one, it’s very delicate and personal. Secondly, some commentators believe it has no place in a discussion about work.
I respectfully disagree.
Hanukkah is being celebrated right now. Christmas is less than two weeks away. So, let’s talk about spirituality!
For me, spirituality has a clear role in how I conduct myself, and how I conduct business. It permeates everything I do, and it often guides me as to what not to do. It’s a moral compass.
Notice that I do not use the word faith in this context. I avoid it religiously. To me, spirituality is less divisive of a term. It’s more elusive and inclusive.
Whereas faith and religion are often associated with dogmatic, hierarchical institutions, spirituality is first and foremost a subjective individual experience. I cannot and will not define it for you. What I can do, is tell you what it means to me.
When I use the word spirituality, I am referring to a connection to something greater than myself. This can be a physical as well as a metaphysical connection. Spirituality tells me that there’s more to life than the naked eye can observe, and more than science can explain.
Spirituality helps me answer some very basic but essential (business-related) questions:
- Why do I do what I do?
- Why is that important?
- What am I (ultimately) trying to accomplish?
- For what (higher) purpose?
- What will it allow me to do?
- How does that affect those around me, and the planet?
Spirituality is linked to motivation and mission. It can provide us with a motive -a reason- that explains and drives why we do what we do. But it’s not as simple and superficial as that. Ultimately, it’s about living a life of meaning and purpose. It’s uniquely personal and universal at the same time.
To me, leading a spiritual life acknowledges the fact that we don’t live on an island. Whether we realize it or not, we’re all part of a larger whole. We’re all connected. Our individual choices and actions have the potential to influence other individuals. Right now, and in the future. It’s impossible to know to what extent one simple decision will change the course of many lives, but action-reaction is a dominant force of transformation.
Not everyone sees it that way, or acts that way. Too often, nations, corporations, and individuals act as if there’s no tomorrow, and their behavior has no consequences. We fight one another over faith, scarce resources, and land. We poison the planet to make shareholders happy, and we focus on ourselves because we believe we are at the center of our universe. To many, the here and now is all that matters.
We ignore the bigger picture because we refuse to look further than our own backyard. We choose to focus on what divides us, instead of on our common interests. And in doing so, we lose a vital sense of (global) community and interconnectedness. We may even lose part of our humanity.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Being mindful of the consequences of our thoughts and actions, makes for a consequential life.
The Iroquois called it Seven Generation thinking. That’s the idea that decisions should be considered for their impact on the seventh generation to come. This focus on sustainability is philosophical and practical at the same time. It is based on a profound respect for this magnificent speck of stardust in the midst of an infinite universe we get to borrow during our lifetime.
That’s my kind of spirituality!
You may have noticed that I am trying to stay as down to earth as possible when it comes to spirituality. Rather than praying for some magical, mystical experience, I choose to also interpret spirituality as doing things in a certain spirit. That’s where the word inspire comes from. Spiritual people lead inspired lives, and strive to inspire others.
So, in what spirit do I choose to conduct business?
Well, I believe I’ve been given (and have developed) certain gifts for which I am eternally grateful. What better way to celebrate those gifts than to share them with the world? That’s one of the reasons I use my voice and my pen for a living.
Here are some other spiritual principles that guide me every day:
• I want to be of service, and use my talents to the very best of my ability.
• I want to treat clients and colleagues with class, kindness, and respect.
• I want to do business in an honest, open, and accountable way.
• I want to charge rates that are fair, not only for my benefit, but for the benefit of my entire professional community.
• I want my business to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
• I am totally committed to keep on learning and growing, and –
• I want to assist and inspire others to do the same.
• I won’t take on projects that go against my beliefs, e.g. games that glorify gratuitous violence and turn horrifying aggression into so-called entertainment.
• I want to make this place a better world.
Freelancing is not for the faint of heart. At one point in our professional lives we’re all going to be tested. Perhaps we’ll hit a long dry spell. Perhaps we’ll receive some horrible feedback. Maybe we will start doubting ourselves, or we’ll feel professionally isolated and alone.
Especially during those times, we have to rely on our WHY. If the answer to the question “Why do I do what I do?” isn’t convincing enough, it will be very tempting to give in and give up.
But if, on the other hand, our inner fire is burning with purpose, we’re poised to get back on track, and turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Challenges become learning experiences and opportunities to grow and give.
I believe it is human to crave connection and look for meaning. Otherwise, why are we even here? Why do we even bother?
And should our lives be part of some divine design, I think a life well-lived may very well be measured by the number of meaningful connections we manage to make during our time on earth.
Professionally and personally.
If that isn’t spiritual, I don’t know what is!
Paul Strikwerda ©nethervoice
PS Be Sweet. Please retweet!
Paul, your courage and honesty in expressing yourself and your beliefs is an inspiring lesson for us all – always! I thoroughly agree with you here and take today’s blog on spirituality as a challenge to stop and explore my own beliefs.
Most excellent, Paul. Yes…SPLENDID.
Loved this post Paul. Thank you.
Well said, Paul… we are very much on the same page. Thank you for another thoughtful post. I hope the sentiments here spread…
Thank you guys! It took me four years to finally write about this topic. I’m so glad I did!
Thank you Paul. Did you by any chance see and listen to Jim Carrey’s entire commencement speech? Humour is such an important part of life and spirituality, as is trust.and so is it to recognize ego and put it in its place ……
Thank you again for your personal words of wisdom. Appreciated for the way they provoke thought and action in my own little pond.
I did not, Jennifer, but now that you’ve mentioned it I will look it up! Life without humor would be a sad joke, wouldn’t it?
I haven’t read every article you’ve written on VO but I’ve read most of them. I can say, without equivocation, that this was one of your best. Thank you, Paul.
Thank you, Paul. This is what I needed today — and no doubt, many others who will read it. Thanks for sharing your heart. Thanks for inspiring.
As a fellow traveler who meets a different, but similar weekly challenge to express the ineffably sublime, I must applaud your efforts once again, Paul. Excellent, ecumenical post, indeed!
Loved this Paul. Beautifully stated. And by sharing this heartfelt truth, it inspires me to again examine my own life and actions. Something that sometimes needs a little “review”!
I wish there would be a like-button for all your responses. Well, I’ll just do it this way, and say how much I appreciate your comments. I didn’t want to come a gross as preachy on the subject of spirituality. Also, I wanted to make sure people from different religious persuasions would feel included. Thank you for responding with warmth and understanding!
Oh Paul, how consistently you knock it out of the park! Thank you for – quite successfully – sharing your gifts with the world.
Interesting, isn’t it, that “religion” is one of the two big topics (along with politics) that are to be avoided in our online business lives. I completely understand the need to not build unnecessary barriers between us and our clients. But any ‘religion – faith – spirituality’ worth having would be at the very core of our identities. You have very effectively shown that, while the particulars don’t need to be expressed or proselytized, a life without that core would be hollow indeed!
I agree, Don. In my book, mentioning religion is a big No-No. In most cases it is completely irrelevant to our business, unless we’re hoping to land a job for a Christian or Jewish publishing house of audio books and seminars. Even then, who is to say that a non-believer can’t be the better narrator? We’re voice actors, and as such we should be able to handle many roles with utter conviction!
Thank you Paul for another illuminating post.
My pleasure, Erik. Thank you so much for reading my blog!
Another thought provoking and inspiring column. Good on ya, Paul. I’m glad you overcame your trepidation.
I got a chuckle at, to paraphrase, ‘religiously avoiding faith.’
Acknowledging an agency greater than oneself may be the very definition of humanity, that some may need organizational structure to see it is not necessarily a bad thing. However one finds it or defines it it is sufficient that one does.
The truth of your words is evident in the results. As always, thank you for sharing.
As a former religious affairs correspondent, and member of the BBC’s religious department, I’ve seen and studied many “organizational structures” myself. Some are very open (minded), and others are very closed. Some are filled with humanity, and others are overtaken by intolerance. The younger generation is moving away from organized religion in favor of a more unstructured way of worship. That’s why most churches and temples find it harder and harder to survive. As a member of one of those communities, I still find comfort in a caring community. Business wise, it’s good for networking too!
Just read your post Paul and thought it was very refreshing. Very well written and full of interesting thoughts. You are without a doubt the most inspirational VO talent I have ever met.
That’s a huge compliment, Pierre, and I am very grateful for your words!
Just linked to this via today’s post (also excellent). Once again, Paul, you have been to the mountaintop (to paraphrase Rev. Martin Luther King). Others have said it better and in more detail, so I’ll just add that I am always gratified to know someone else who recognizes that spirituality and religion are two different (but often, not always) related things.
Thank you for this and all your comments. I am always impressed at how often our ideas align.
You know what they say about great minds, Paul. They think in a certain way. Of course I would never call myself “a great mind.” That’s for other to determine. But like you, I am always grateful to find likeminded people in the world. Thanks for being one of them!
Beautifully put, Paul, affirmative of the best in humanity. Your posting sat in e-space for a year before I stumbled upon it today, but the wisdom is timeless and the implications topical and urgent.
Thanks for the stumble, Howard. E-space is patient, and I’m glad you found my story.
This column arrived in my inbox again today, and again it is thoughtful, meaningful, necessary and timely, especially considering the political whirlwind of trash-talk and malaise instigated by the current political situation (largely, I believe, instigated by one sub-standard-bearer. But I digress….).
Once again, your optimism and commitment to “something better” has lifted me out of a funk. Color me grateful.
I forget the name of the poet who wrote this – it has been made into a wonderful reggae song called “Book of Rules,” but it came to mind as I re-read this:
Isn’t it strange how princes and kings
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings
and common people like you and me
are the builders of eternity?
Each is given a bag of tools,
a shapeless mass and a book of rules;
and each must build a life of his own –
stumbling block or steppingstone.
(If you like the verse, I suggest the best version is the album version from the early 1970s by The Heptones. It’s on YouTube, of course!)
Keep the wisdom coming, my friend!
I think it was R.L.Sharpe who wrote this poem around 1809, Paul. These words are still very relevant today. I’ll have to listen to the reggae version today!
You hit this one out of the park, Paul. Wondered if I’d ever see anyone in our community address this topic. You did so masterfully. This article spoke to me. Thanks much!
Thank you, Art. I’ve seen members of our community publicly thanking G-d for all the blessings they’ve received, but I don;t know if anyone has ever blogged about it. Blogging guru’s usually advise against making religious or political statements so as not to alienate certain readers. I’ve tried to be inclusive in this post, and so far the reactions have been pleasantly positive.
I see from the dates on the comments that this was originally posted a few years ago, however it’s one of those messages that is eternal, and shows up to remind us all what is most important. My own personal Paul (my husband and biz partner) and I are completely in agreement with you here, practicing daily, the same kinds of things you so eloquently write about in this article. You are indeed blessed. Thanks for sharing your philosophy and touching others with important ideas each and every day!
You’re right, this is a repost that really resonated with me as I was observing Yom Kippur on Wednesday. In the past few years my readership has more than doubled, and as long as the contents is still fresh, I sometimes want my older stories to reach new audiences.
Paul… I must have missed this one in it’s earlier post!
I love the underlying message here. And the fact that you’re not offending, pointing fingers or being critical of anyone… just thoughtful. And you surely have chosen the right time to repost it. As you so often do, you help put things into perspective. Thanks again.
As I was observing Yom Kippur, I thought it would be appropriate to republish a story I wrote a few years ago. It’s wonderful to notice that so many of my readers share my perspective on matters of the spirit. I’m glad I avoided pointing fingers. You know what they say about that… when pointing at someone else, there are always three fingers pointing back a you.
Well written as always. It was amusing to me upon reading this: “I think a life well-lived may very well be measured by the number of meaningful connections we managed to make during our time on earth.”
I love networking and making connections as well as friends. But there are always a couple of people who are so insecure or egotistical that they don’t want to accept connections unless they’re individuals who are famous or in a position to get them more work. I’ve noticed now and then how they’ll accept a random few into their circle, but the rest they seem to treat like cattle. It makes me wonder if they’ve lost their way spiritually or just chose to turn away those they deemed useless in their lives as well as their careers. At the same time, I remember names and I remember their attitudes. Should I end up in a position that’s casting, producing, or directing, those names will be excluded. To me, that’s karma.
I know the “What’s in it for me” mentality all too well. To me, those connections don’t fall into the category of “meaningful.” They’re just annoying. And speaking of karma… I believe it has no deadline!
Well said, as always, Paul. I too must have missed the original post, but I’m glad to have caught it this time.
Makes me sit back and think. A good time to examine my beliefs. Perhaps the beginning of a new mission statement?!
Thanks,once again.
Glad you caught it this time, Paul. It’s one of the reasons I sometimes repost older stories. Some weeks life gets a little too hectic to write a brand new blog. In this case I was observing the High Holidays. You are right, by the way. I am a man on a mission!
So well worth a revisit! Among many points, this stood out for me “We are all connnected”. Yes indeed, beyond the visible social surface there’s an undercurrent, and it surfaces at times. For example how was it that my wife fainted when I got an electric shock, 3 miles away? As I fell, the phone rang: “Howard, what have you just done?”. Similar happened, to the minute and with pain, when her sister was rushed in for an operation.
And, I wonder if others among you notice this: repeatedly, whenever I really focus on building business, such as upgrading demos or a contact plan, more than one client will ring out of the blue with work.
Your piece makes it clear: we should reflect on what we are putting out – whether it’s overt or leaking through some metaphysical ‘LinkedIn’.
Thanks for sharing your shocking story, Howard. Everything in the universe is made up of energy and information. When we feel closely connected, we tap into that energy field and receive information. It’s an interesting invisible ripple effect of connecting inner and outer circles.
Oh yes, and with huge implications of course for psychology, sociology, anthropology. One wishes such disciplines would venture out of their silos more often and ‘tune in’.
Maybe physicists, of all people, are getting closer to the mystery as they burrow into nature and still cannot quite fathom what makes it tick. It’s rather like art of any kind, including vocal performance, or even a marketing campaign: these can turn out well but we can’t quite explain why! Do we really want to? That’s another debate.
Our observations of certain phenomena are only as accurate as the instruments we use to measure them. This, in turn, affects our interpretations. In essence I believe human beings to be “seekers of meaning,” if only to attempt to explain and justify our existence on this speck of stardust. As far as marketing is concerned, people want to know what works and what doesn’t, so successful campaigns can be replicated and improved.
Fair point about marketing, Paul, though that reminds me of Henry Ford who knew half his advertising worked, but didn’t know which half! Measurement has improved since, along with the exploration of meaning: your blog being an example!
I think we’ve come a long way since Mr. Ford started advertising his T’s.
My sentiments perfectly articulated.
We’re on the same page. Again! One day we will meet. I’m sure of it!
Greetings from the Heartland of Iowa. I really enjoyed this blog. very insightful. I am on the same page with you. To think that sometimes we forget why we do what we do, is to simply to give back to the world what we have been given,and the fact that we are all part of a bigger picture. Thanks again. The best of the Holidays to you and yours.
Thank you, Dave. Quite often we’re so busy getting the work or doing te work that we forget the bigger picture. Wishing the very best for 2018, personally and professionally!
Paul, I’m so grateful that you republish these important posts, and each time you do, something different jumps out at me. I truly believe that the world would become a far better place with a lot more Seven Generation Thinking. It believe that this concept is now even more important, especially since so much “leadership” (political, business and too often even personal) seems closer to seven-second thinking.
As I have told you in person, when I grow up I want to be just like you – an interesting phenomenon since you are significantly younger than I am! But still….
Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year, and to everyone, enjoy the holiday (or days) of your choice! Here’s to a better 2018!
Thanks you so much, Paul. In this hectic month of December I don’t always have time to write something new, and I’m so glad I have an archive of over 250 articles to choose from. Since my readership has grown exponentially, many of my newer subscribers missed those stories when they were first published. I too discover nuances I hadn’t thought of before when rereading a particular blog post. Life changes us, and with it, our perspective changes. When Pam plays in Chatham next year, we really should meet up and have dinner before the performance, okay?!
Thank, Paul – and Pam. Yes, let’s do that – and there’s a year between then and now, and we do get west periodically, often last minute, but hey, whatever works. You are on my radar!
Bette and I liked your holiday card, too. Skyler is lucky to have such cool parents.
Thanks for reposting this meaningful article, Paul. I missed it in the past, but very glad I caught it this time. I think you have very well expressed a thought, concept, philosophy – however one wants to define it, that many, perhaps, the majority of people may feel about their lives, but may not be able to articulate it so clearly. Again, we walk parallel paths, each learning, growing and, hopefully, inspiring other people to live meaningful and fulfilling lives based on value systems such as yours and mine. Enjoy your holidays and thanks for making ours (your readers and mine) more inspired.
Hi Ed, I’m so glad my story resonated with you too. When I first wrote it I was a bit trepidatious to even approach the subject, but now I’m much more comfortable with it. I have grown, and it has grown on me. Wishing you warm and wonderful holidays!
Thank you Paul . All good wishes, peace and blessings for Hannukah, Christmas and a successful and tranquil 2018.
Wishing you the very best in the New Year, Helen. I still can’t believe we’ll be saying goodbye to 2017 in a few days. Time disappears like sand in our hands.