Do you know the First Law of Ecology?
“Everything’s connected to everything else.”
As I was leaving the gym this morning, I had to think about the connection between the world of weights and treadmills inside, and the world outside.
To me, there isn’t much of a difference. It’s all about sweat, commitment and endurance. Every time I leave the fitness center, I feel lighter, stronger and more alive.
Working out is working out for me!
Some of my colleagues aren’t feeling it. Even though they don’t exercise, they sound like they’re trapped on a treadmill carrying a heavy weight on their shoulders. No matter what happens, they feel they have to keep on running the rat race.
These are people who live in constant fear that’s manifesting itself in many ways. They won’t leave home without a mobile device. They might text or check email while driving. Some will tell you they can’t afford to take a break. Others will take their home office or studio with them on the road or on vacation. Why?
Good advice. I’ve given up work in the past because it was taking too much time away from my family; we all have our prioirities, of course, but this should help those who haven’t quite figured them out!
That was my intention, Matt. I love my clients but it can’t be all work and no play. I work to live and not the other way around. And since I’m self-employed, no one can fire me for taking a few weeks off.
As I began to read, I thought this article was going to convey just a simple message… “take a break, it’s good for ya” kind of thing. I should’ve known better. As usual, you evaluated your theme from ever angle, backed up with research and quotes.
Two of the great levelers in my life are my dogs and horses and my weekly gym workouts.
Ok, maybe that’s 3 levelers. This is my 29th year of steady gym workouts… since 1983 when I moved to middle TN. I’m living proof that exercise is keeping me healthy, fit, young and in tune ready to take on life’s challenges. Whoa, pretty grandiose, huh? Not to mention working out keeps my voice and related parts in tune for a healthy career.
I’ve actually gone to the gym with a headache from work and within 15 minutes it’s gone… probably the blood rush!
I do, however, wear my mobile phone while working out. Forwarding calls from my studio line. Most of the time it doesn’t ring as I work out in the evenings.
What I DO need to work on is “getaway time”. I need much more of that since I hardly ever practice that.
Thanks for putting it all into perspective!
If you ever need a place to get away from it all, my door is always open. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, but I’m working on that.
I’m impressed that you have been working out since 1983. At that time I was still a bike-rinding Flying Dutchman and it kept me in shape. I didn’t even own a car until I came to the United States.
About the fitness center I go to: I do see a lot of cell phones on the gym floor, but a lot of people keep track of their exercise routine using some smart app. I’m not a big fan of folks who start a half hour phone conversation while occupying a piece of equipment I had my eyes on using.
I wish our pets would help me keep my head straight, but our two hamsters and two cats are pretty useless in that department. They’re super sweet though, and I’m going to miss them while I’m visiting Holland this year.
Thanks for the invite, Paul! How about this weekend… just for a few weeks?!
Yeah, I also get some kind of sick enjoyment out of working outside keeping up my mini ranch
and horse related stuff. Although, that may be the death of me one day!
Biking… that’s great! My idea of biking is jumping on my Honda 4 wheeler for a spin. Or even to get some work done.
I know what you mean about waiting for machines.
Fortunately, my gym is smaller than the previous 5 others I’ve belonged to here. It’s an Anytime Fitness but it has all I need. Not as busy a place as the bigger gyms.
Btw, I’ve found that “staring” at those mobile device users or the “sleepers”(who have to rest for 10 min after a set) with my sweaty body in front of them, usually gets them off MY machine!
You could probably give your cats and hamsters more exercise and serve a purpose for you as well. Hook up your desktop power cord to the flywheel propelled by the two hamsters while your cats watch them from either side of it.
They’d all be motivated to move quite well, ya’ think?!
Hey there! I’m with Lance, I was thinking a nice easy piece about getting some “down time” to recharge. Little did I know I’d get such a thoughtful and thought provoking read, including Matt and Lance’s comments.
At present I am deeply “associated” in my almost zenlike state of complete relaxation. Day 2 of vacation and the minutes just float by. I hope you get some nice weather when you visit home, if not, drop down and visit. Always lots of fine weather down here!
Oh Ted…. you’re on vacation but you’re still reading my blog. This has got to stop 🙂 I’m actually hoping for some cooler weather when visiting The Netherlands. It’s been a hot summer in the U.S. and I’m looking forward to a nice, refreshing Dutch breeze.
Enjoy that nice Dutch breeze, Paul!
And don’t forget to take your iPhone and laptop!
You’re funny, Rick! Believe it or not, I don’t own a smart phone and I haven’t lost a single job because of that (that’s because I’m in my studio most f the time….).
We did just get a Nook color for our trip and I can check my email and the web on that should I choose to do so.
For now I’m looking forward to being disconnected.
Even though I am away for some time, you will find a “new” post every week. My recording hack-fans will recognize the content.
Truth be known, I don’t have a smart phone either. My 8 year old LG cell keeps recharging, so I keep on using it. However, I may take the plunge this fall when the new iPhone 5s comes out. It’s fully voice activated. Which means I won’t have to text! The phone will change voice commands to text to send. Great, since I’m not good at texting. I’ve probably pushed it far enough at not having one. But lets not get away from the point of your article!
So practice up on your Netherspeak, Paul and…
Bon Voyage!