Last week I revealed that this blog had reached 5,000 subscribers. Since then, this number has increased by another seven thousand, and I haven’t seen any signs of a slowdown.
If you’re wondering how I got to this point and how you can get there too, stay tuned. But before I tell you what worked for me, I have a confession to make.
Great post, Paul with lots of very helpful ideas & suggestions. You’ve been quite successful at this for a long time now, so it’s very safe to say if I can begin implementing these types of ideas, it will help point me in the right direction. I appreciate all the ideas!
I only pass on what I know works for me, Kurt. Quite often, small changes lead to big changes. It’s like watching a garden grow!
Couldn’t agree more, Paul!
Thanks, Matt. BTW That must have been some scare, today. I’m so glad your wife is okay.
Thanks, Paul. I was at home with the kids, so I felt bad I couldn’t be there to help!
Paul, thank you for this, and all your other, very informative blog posts. This is some very important food for thought, for driving quality web traffic. So now I’ve got my thinking cap on. 🙂
Thank you so much Paul!
Your info regarding increasing traffic is very informative. Just want to mention too, that there were comments recently suggesting that cold calling is ineffective and even offensive as a method of marketing. Well, I’ve just scored a couple of great voice gigs through my cold calls, and I do get about 70% of work through calling, and about 30% from my agent.
However, I will certainly utilize your info as well, cause I want to increase my marketing as much as possible. Thanks again!
Jason, I’m glad my post got you thinking. As a freelancer, we’ve got to be a Jack (or Jill) of all trades. If we don’t toot our own horn, no one else will.
Melanie, I am by no means a fan of cold calling (read “Cold calling is dead“), but I’m happy it is working out for you. You must have the magic formula!
Right on, Paul. “What really counts is a connection.” I found you through the recommendation of another VO colleague just a few weeks ago and what drew me in to reading many of your posts is exactly what you said about connection. I felt like I was getting to know you, that you are speaking to me in a conversation, vs just putting out content. Keep up the great and valuable work!
I’m glad you found me, Lori. Please thank your colleague for me. Best of lucky with “Zen Rabbit.” Let’s stay connected!
Paul, Congratulations on reaching 5K+ well-earned subscribers, and thank you for your continued generous tips and tricks to improve individual voice-over talent, and the entire voice-over industry.
Thank you so much, Kevin. I’m absolutely tickled. In a few days I will have reached 6,000. It’s crazy… But as I said in the piece, the strength is in the quality of the argument and not necessarily in numbers. As long as my readers feel they can use my tips and resources, my main goal is achieved. Thanks again for being such a loyal reader!
Thank you Dema. Information whether new or old, doesn’t really matter. For some, my ten tips tips will fall into the category of “been there done that.” Others may find things they had not considered prior to reading this article. What matters to me is what people do with the information that’s being presented. That’s where you find out what’s valuable and what’s fluff.
What comes across in all of your posts is that the overriding context is that you care.
Whilst you are talking about increasing numbers, it is not done with a hint of cynicism or selfishness.
The other thing is that you clearly work hard, because it all looks so effortless.
Cracking, as always.